Weekly Events (unless otherwise noted below)
Sunday -
A Capella Service (9:00am)
Instrumental Service (11:15am)
Youth Group (Middle School 5-7pm; High School 6:30-8:30pm; Youth Group Portable)
Wednesday - Celebrate Recovery (Meal: 5:30-6:30pm, Worship: 6:30-7:30pm, Open Share Groups: 7:30-8:30pm)
Saturday - Men’s Bible Study (8:00am, Conference Room)
Additional Events
December 22 – Kids Praise will not be offered on this Sunday, but the nursery will be staffed.
December 24 - Christmas Eve Candle Light Service, 4:00pm
December 24 - January 1 - Church office closed. Messages will be checked.
December 25 - Celebrate Recovery will not meet today. Merry Christmas!
December 29 - Combined Service, 11:15am.There will not be a service at 9:00. Kids Praise will not be offered on this Sunday, but the nursery will be staffed.
January 1 - Happy New Year!
January 8 - MomCo, 9-11am, Fellowship Room. All moms with children 0-18 are invited. Childcare provided.
January 20 - Office closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 22 - MomCo, 9-11am, Fellowship Room. All moms with children 0-18 are invited. Childcare provided.