Weekly Events (unless otherwise noted below)
Sunday -
A Capella Service (9:00am)
Instrumental Service (11:15am)
Youth Group (Middle School 5-7pm; High School 6:30-8:30pm; Youth Group Portable)
Monday – Women of the Word (WOW) Bible Study, meets online, 6:30pm, contact Cherry Wilson (New study will start on April 7. )
Wednesday - Celebrate Recovery (Meal: 5:30-6:30pm, Worship: 6:30-7:30pm, Open Share Groups: 7:30-8:30pm)
Thursday – Women of the Word (WOW) Bible Study, meets in person at the church building, 10:00am, contact Laurie Clark (New study will start on April 3.)
Saturday - Men’s Bible Study (8:00am, Conference Room)
Additional Events
March 26 - MomCo, 9-11am, Fellowship Room. All moms with children 0-18 are invited. Childcare provided.
March 30
Combined Service starts at 10:30am.
The kids will sing for the whole church family during the service.
There will not be Kids Praise during the service, but the nursery will be staffed.
After the service we will have a Potluck and Games.
April 9 - MomCo, 9-11am, Fellowship Room. All moms with children 0-18 are invited. Childcare provided.
April 18 - Good Friday Service
April 19 - Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00am
April 20 - Easter
April 23 - MomCo, 9-11am, Fellowship Room. All moms with children 0-18 are invited. Childcare provided.