Frequently Asked Questions


What should I wear?

This is the Northwest!  You’ll find people here in jeans and T-shirts, and in the summer you’ll see people in shorts and flip-flops!  While some may choose to dress more formally, for the most part we’re a very casual church.  We don’t pay a lot of attention to how people are dressed; we believe God is more concerned about what’s in our hearts.

Will I be asked for money? 

At each worship experience we receive a free will offering to support our ministries.  This is a spiritual discipline that our members practice as a way to remind us that our God, who gives good gifts, is greater than the gifts that he gives. Guests are free to give if they choose, but are never expected to participate.

Why don’t you have a band? 

If you’re asking this question, it means you attended our 9:00 Sunday morning worship assembly, which has remained a singing-only gathering in honor of our denominational heritage.  Our 11:15 Sunday morning worship assembly does include a band and other non-traditional elements.

Do you observe communion (Lord’s Supper)? 

We consider it an honor to share together in remembering the body and blood of Jesus in each of our weekly worship gatherings.  Communion is an integral part of our worship experiences, and anyone who wants to participate is welcome to do so.

How Do i place membershiP?

We take church membership seriously.  If you are interested in this we ask that you contact one of our staff or the church office and they will guide you into that process. You can get in touch HERE.