Vanchurch services and teaching

This Week’s Services

VanChurch Online Livestream - A Cappella Service 3-23-25

VanChurch Online Livestream - Instrumental Service 3-23-25

Current Teaching Series

From Death to Life: Ephesians

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley
Spring 2025

Past Teaching Series

Meant to Last

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley
January 2025

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Jesus is our shepherd and he leads us into Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley
December 2024


We were created to abide with Father, Son, and Spirit in a life that thrives and produces fruit that will last (John 15). This series will lead us through 10 key spiritual disciplines that will form and shape us more deeply as apprentices of Jesus. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley
September - November 2024

Mission Sunday

A service crafted by the VanChurch Mission Team (Edward Reinhardt, Shawn Anderson, Andrew Martin and Patty Slack)

Stories of the Kingdom

Jesus is a master storyteller who summons his listeners to imagine a new reality - the Kingdom of God. This series will invite us to Jesus’ parables…to be formed and shaped into his new Way. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley
June - August 2024

This is Church

How does God build us up as a body? This series will explore how our practices in our worship gathering form and shape us into the way of Jesus. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
April - May 2024

From the Ashes: The Journey to Freedom

God is in the liberation business.This series will draw insights from the story of Israel as God liberates them from slavery in Egypt, forms and shapes them through the wilderness into people who will trust him, and leads them to freedom in the land of promise. The series will lead us toward Easter…where God’s ultimate act of liberation frees us from bondage from sin and death and invites into new life. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
February - March 2024


God hardwired us for community…the kind of community that transforms our lives and gives a place to belong, a path to follow, and a mission to define our lives. Many people seek to find a Sunday church experience that “does it” for them…hoping that an hour at a building each week will be a good addition to their life. But God made us for more. We’re invited to embrace the challenging but life-changing practice of scattering into community groups for deeper living. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
January 2024

Songs of HOPE

In this series, we’ll be in Luke’s advent narratives, paying attention to the songs/poems/spoken words of four sets of characters.

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
December 2023

Wisdom Over Certainty

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
September - November 2023


A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
August - November 2023

You Are Visible

Many of us know what it feels like to be unseen…to feel invisible. But God’s idea for the church is that it will be a new kind of humanity where every unique person is seen and loved. Jesus sees everyone. He invites the community gathered in his name to see one another as well. This series will utilize personal stories, testimonies, and interviews to help VanChurch see one another in humility, compassion, and fellowship. We want all at VanChurch to know: “You are VISIBLE.”

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
May - July 2023

Rival Kingdoms

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
April - May 2023

The Son

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
January - April 2023

God With Us

An Advent series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
December 2022

Who You Are: Embracing Your Identity in Jesus

Multiple stories compete for the allegiance of our children and youth. This generation of young people, seeking authenticity and beauty, will offer their future to the narratives with the most compelling claims and the most obvious track record for actually delivering on what is promised. As a community of faith who is passionate about our children coming to know and experience the love of God through Jesus, VanChurch must not assume that our children will just “get it.” We must renew our resolve and muster our creativity and strength so that we can invite the next generation to find their place in the story that matters most. 

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
October 2022 - November 2022

Living Water

A series about the Sermon on the Mount by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
April 2022-October 2022

Lifted Up

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
March 2022-April 2022


A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
February-March 2022


A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
January-February 2022

Advent Conspiracy: Rediscover Christmas

“Christmas. Beyond all the shouting and politicizing, and beneath all the shopping and hype…there’s a story that still rocks the foundations of the world: God (the God and Creator of All Things; the Alpha and Omega)…God…became a human being. Born as a hunted refugee to poor parents in a distant corner of the Roman Empire, Jesus came into the world full of grace and truth. Love moved into the neighborhood and has a name: Immanuel - God is with us. So how did a story that can change the world turn into a story about stuff, stress, debt, and red cups? This calls us once again to consider the true meaning of the Christmas story: that God has not given up on the world; on the contrary, he’s with us in the chaos. In response to the brokenness of the world, Jesus brings Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love and invites us to respond in four concrete ways: to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All.”

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
December 2021

Joy Full: A Generous & Content Life

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Fall 2021

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We Believe

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Fall 2021

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Beautiful People: A Church that is Good News for Everyone

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Summer 2021

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Bloom: Life in Jesus

As spring arrives, the world around us blooms with color and vitality. This changing of the seasons reminds us that God brings newness and life. Because of the resurrection, a new creation is emerging in our midst, a reality that invites us to be transformed into the image of the risen Jesus. And the good news is that this transformation comes through the power of the Holy Spirit who is already at work in us to produce fruit - fruit that will last.

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Spring 2021

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Fruitless: The Acts of the Flesh

Do you ever feel like something is getting in the way of your ability to live fully? The harsh truth is that we often live out self-centered stories that lead…nowhere. Sin disrupts the good that God wants for everyone and everything. Rather than living lives that bear good fruit, our stories become fruitless. But God does not abandon us to fruitless lives. Jesus comes to show us how to live a story of extraordinary goodness, freedom, and love.

Easter 2021 message series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.


Awaken The Wonder

The universe is filled with God’s glory. Each day is an opportunity to be caught up in the mystery. We can stay in the safety bubble of our manufactured happiness, or we can step out onto the road of dangerous adventure. It’s your choice: stay asleep in the predictable…or awaken the wonder.

A series by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Winter 2021

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Joy Overflowing

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley. Advent 2020


Echo: The Gift of Prayer

Prayer. Every moment of every day offers us the opportunity to communicate with the God of the universe. In this study we explore different ways we can engage God. Come and join us as we discuss talking at God, talking to God, listening to God, and being with God. This series will provide you with new and exciting ways to spend time with your Creator.

All messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley. Fall 2020

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The Lamb: Politics and the Way of Christ

Politics. The very mention of the word evokes all kinds of feelings. Right now, in America, political tension pulls at the fabric of our communities and our shared identity. It’s a difficult season. If you listen closely, underneath all of the rhetoric and the promises, you’ll hear savior language: “I’m the only one who can fix it,” or “Only our side is righteous.” And it goes further…there’s also quite a bit of demonizing and dehumanizing language being thrown around about “the other side.” Not only are people using savior language about their own political camp…they’re saying that everyone who disagrees is pure evil. All of this is a problem that Christians should wrestle with…and here’s why: No Christian should be looking for a savior in November or January, because we already have a savior…and his name is Jesus of Nazereth.

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Fall 2020.

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Psalms: Better Than Life

The psalms are a collection of poems, prayers, and laments. Whatever you may be feeling, there’s a psalm for that. Through the psalms we can find a deeper relationship with God that is better than life.

Messages by Senior Minister Mark Hadley, Children’s Minister, Billy McKenzie.
Summer 2020

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Alternate Reality: A Better Future Is Possible

In a world that has turned upside down it’s easy for us to think we are living in an alternate reality. In spite of all of the crazy things going on around us, God has a future planned for us that is beyond our imagination. Will we live into this better future?

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley. Spring/Summer 2020

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The Gospel of Mark

A 10 week study in the book of Mark.

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Spring 2020

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All In

God desires to give us everything we need! Are we prepared to go ALL IN with Him as we seek to know Him, embrace our community as Jesus would, and give our life for the cause of Christ?

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Winter 2020

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Christmas In The Dark: The Light Is Near

Christmas is a season of joy and hope! But, for some it is a season of sadness, doubt and waiting. In this series we explore how Jesus’ arrival in the world was not just for those who are joyful, but also for those who live in darkness.

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley and Worship Minister, Taylor Belt.
Advent 2019.

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It’s Your Turn

God has always called His children into the writing of His great story. Now He calls us. What story will we write with Him? It’s our turn to be part of the next chapter in the great story of God.

Messages by Senior Minister, Mark Hadley.
Fall 2019.